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The Best Meat Possible. Now Delivered.

High Quality. Humanely Raised. The Best Beef. All delivered to your door.

Exploring the Terroir of Beef: Understanding Its Significance in Culinary Excellence

In the world of culinary excellence, the concept of "terroir" is most often associated with the world of wine. However, just as grapes take on the unique qualities of the soil and climate where they are grown, beef, too, can reflect the essence of the land it originates from. In this exploration, we delve into the notion of terroir in beef, understanding its vital role in the world of culinary arts.

The idea of terroir in beef is a fascinating concept that parallels the way wine reflects the characteristics of the vineyard. Understanding beef's terroir is an essential step in appreciating the nuances and flavors that different regions bring to the table. This concept enriches the culinary world and has the potential to shape consumer choices as they seek to savor the essence of the land in each bite of their favorite beef dishes.

What We Deliver

Trusted Sourcing

From the lush pastures of Tasmania and southern Australia come the finest quality hand-selected beef the world over. 

Elite flavor 

Wholesome grass and barley-fed beef, tender and rich in flavor

Complete Flexiblity

We deliver to your door on your schedule, you can cancel anytime, and shipping is free.

How It Works

We make it simple to access the best beef on the market

1. We Source

Our longstanding relationships with Australian farmers provides Herd & Grace unique access to world class proteins. We trace the origin of every single cut back to the idyllic pastures it came from - surpassing the Australian MSA grading system, which is the most stringent and demanding in existence.

2. You Choose

Choose from expertly curated boxes, premium individual cuts, or create your own customized box. Pick a frequency of delivery from monthly to twice yearly. You can easily update these choices online anytime, at your convenience.

3. We Deliver

We ship out orders every Wednesday and employ a cut-off of noon PST on Tuesday to determine that weeks batch. Products are shipped frozen with insulation, dry ice, and ice-packs to keep the products safe and delicious while in transit up to 72 hours.